Why Invest in Web3 In 2022?

Why Invest in Web3 In 2022?

Ever ask yourself why you should invest in web3?

Why Invest?

Getting involved in crypto is more than just buying and holding Bitcoin.

There are currently more than 11,000 active cryptocurrencies! These currencies and tokens perform a huge number of unique functions for their respective networks.

Now let's recap the previous versions of the web, so we can understand what Web3.0 should look like.

Generations of the Web

  • Web1: just reading instead of writing content
  • Web2: interactivity, creating content on platforms owned by companies
  • Web3: interacting on platforms defined by protocols, not owned by a single entity


A big factor of Web3 is decentralization. This, combined with the ability to transfer value between accounts, is key to understanding Web3.

Finally, networks that create and hold value are a big part of Web3 as well. Let's look at some of those projects now

Some Projects In The Space

  • Filecoin: decentralized protocol which enables anyone to rent out spare storage space on their computer.
  • Golem: distributed computing platform, providing shared computing power that users can access for a fee.
  • BAT: utility token, designed by Brave initially as part of a whole new digital advertising platform, this protocol allows users to commodity their attention and earn directly.

So why invest in Web3?

Web3 is creating new ways for us to quantify the value of

  • our time
  • our attention
  • our computers
  • our hard drives

Responsible and considerate investing will help support these projects as they realize a new digital future.


Thanks for following along! Hopefully, this thread got you interested in learning more about Web3. If that's the case remember to follow me.

This thread is my personal notes summarizing this article: decrypt.co/resources/how-to-invest-in-crypt..